Great News!! My favorite Holistic MD will be IN THE HOUSE!!!
"Nothing in life happens by accident!" I have heard this phrase a few times this week and this time has really struck me.
God has an amazing way of taking care of us. His Love and Mercy come in many shapes, colors and forms. Sometimes, is $20 we find in the dryer, or that friend that gives us a call for no reason when we needed it the most. Many times, one person leads into another, and that person brings God's shine straight into your life.
I have mentioned before my struggles with my son's health. As a first time mom, I probably made tons of mistakes introducing him earlier than needed to highly allergenic foods. May be I stopped breastfeeding sooner than I should have(even though he was 18 months); or may be that massive amount of whole pasteurized homogenized cow's milk I gave him to compensate for the lack of my milk, simply was not the best decision ever. Whatever it was, I entered a very dark place, where I could not figure out why he would vomit everything he ate, why would he cough and cough until all my efforts in feeding him ended up splatter on the floor, or the car, or the street for no apparent reason, and to make things worse, he had also developed asthma! Gosh, he was only 2 years and some!!
This is the moment where one person simply brought the love of God by sharing some information, the name of a Holistic Doctor. Yay!! May be now, someone could tell me what is happening! Indeed! What a wonderful moment was when I went to my first appointment. We talked for over an hour about everything under the son. From the type of pregnancy I had, to the birth process, to what I ate, or took during and after the pregnancy, and everything my son had experience in his short life. Which ended up being more than I had thought!
This Holistic Doctor, has been one of God's biggest blessings in my life. With his dedication and his incredibly extensive knowledge, he has guided my efforts in assuring a happy healthy life for my son. We still have more to walk, but I am sure, that with the hand of our loving God, we will see my son grow into a Handsome Healthy and Loving Man.Now, the great news is.... Dr. Erick N. Rydland, M.D. my fabulous Holistic Doctor, has graciously accepted my invitation to participate as a Guest Speaker at my live stream show at MomTV!
Do you know that every time he gives a lecture, there is a waiting list to be able to attend? Do you know that he fills his schedule a month ahead of time? And, do you know this time, there will be no waiting list, no rushing in traffic, no waiting for cancellations, and no lecture fees. He is happily sharing his time and knowledge with us for a whole HOUR on Friday, July 10th, at 10:00 PM Eastern.
He is a fantastic professional, with amazing talents and above all respect and love toward his patients and most importantly toward God. You can read more about his career and services by visiting his website:
Mark you calendars, set up your alarms and come and meet us at on Friday, July 10th, 2009, 10:00 PM Eastern. We will be openly chatting about Holistic Pediatric Medicine, Autism treatment, Children Illnesses, and Natural Health. Bring your questions and your experiences for a great hour!
We will have great surprises for the participants!
Many Blessings and hope to see you there!
im excited to hear what he has to say. im going to mark my calender.
Looking forward to the show and hearing more from the good Dr.! Love the new blog by the way.
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