About Sewing- Flower Girl Dress- Weekend Sewing (Heather Ross)
As I have mentioned. I simply love Heather Ross' book "Weekend Sewing". This past weekend I tackled the Flower Dress for my little princess.
She had already chosen her favorite fabrics: Spirites of Tillbrook from Alexander Henry in pink, and some beautiful Pink Ta Dots from Michael Miller.
The instructions in the book are very detail but if you are a beginner, you may want to keep your computer handy for some last minute google on terminology or techniques.
As an amateur seamstress I found a couple of things that I change to make it easy for myself.
1. The straps. She explains how to do the straps by cutting a rectangle, folding it in half right sides together and then turn in right out side out with a loop turner. Personally, I simply hate LOOP TURNERS! I don't like how it wrinkles my fabric and then it is just too difficult for me, especially in narrow tubes, like this one.
What did I do? To make it easier, I added 1/2" to the suggested rectangle measurement, folded it in half , then open it and fold it as if I was making a bias tape (meet each fabric edge in the middle ironing them in place. Then fold again in half, iron again, and then stitch closed. (See step 9 & 10 here: http://www.savvyseams.com/techniques/biastape.php).
2. The actual size: I cut the pattern for a 3T and let me tell you it runs small. My daughter is very thin, and the bodice just fit her. So, my suggestion is to follow Heather Ross' directions to make and adjustment to the bodice measurement. For this she posted on her blog and PDF document containing the books "Errata".
3. The length: You may want to measure your little princess's height before you cut. The recommended length was a bit too much for Princess M. So don't do as I did, measure first, and cut later, I ended up wasting precious fabric! not much but either way it hurt! HAHAHA
4. Final result! A FABULOUS PRINCESS DRESS AND A COUPLE HOURS OF INCREDIBLE FUN!Try it out! and come back to post a picture of the results.
Have fun sewing for your princess!