Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Traditional Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine: What do I choose? When do I choose? Why do I choose? MY JOURNEY. Part 1
Many of us have come to a point in life where we are faced with all these questions. Finding the appropriate answer for our personal situation is one of the greatest challenges. Why is it a challenge? Some may ask; well, let me just tell you the beginning: the amount of information that is available to support either stream is overwhelmingly abundant.
At that precise moment, when we are perusing through pages and pages of debates and controversies, is when we have to take a moment and see what is it that we are looking for? Are we looking for a quick fix that will keep me running until it hurts or bothers again? Are we looking for a simple patch that will allow me to think I am better? Or, are we looking for something that is going to heal me from the inside out or at least, truly minimize the devastating effects of the illness deteriorating our health?
In my case, for many years I lived like a little ant marching behind the other ones, with the load of my aches and pains up in my back. Without asking or questioning, simply opening my mouth and swallowing whatever it was they put there. For many years, I didn’t even know what it was, I just knew it hurt and it hurt all the time. I felt lazy, tired, exhausted, and I always had a bottle of acetaminophen to either help my headache or relieve for a few hours that leg pain that never went away.
Until that day! That Aw Moment! Destiny put in the path of a Chiropractic Physician. A person that took the time to explain to me that my body is the most perfect machine ever created! That my body has the ability to heal itself and it only needs some help.
The change started immediately. After learning what I was truly experiencing, a severe case of double scoliosis, I understood that “There is no pill, lotion, or potion that will ever put my bones back in place. No pill, lotion or potion could ever free my severely pinched nerves so I could live with no pain. I learned that I need to care for my body as much as dedicate to care for my car (car washes, weekly gas, oil changes, filter changes, etc.). And since then, Chiropractic has been a pivotal point in my health and the health of those around me.
My kids have all been adjusted almost immediately after their birth and have continued to get their adjustments in regular basis. I hope that none of them had to live with the pain and discomfort created by spinal disease, and to this day, I am proud to say, that the understand and feel the difference it makes in their life.
I hope that in your quest you can find the answers that will offer a healthier tomorrow.
Posted by Chic Mommy USA at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: alternative medicine, chiropractic care, health choices, holistic living, spinal disease
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Secrets OUT into the SKY!
Somewhere out there, there is a woman that quietly takes care of her children while processing in silence her thoughts. Somewhere out there, there is a strong woman that does not let curved balls affect her path. Somewhere out there, there is a brave soul that endures sadness without anyone seeing a tear… Have you ever met one of them? I have, but they seem to be part of another time and another world…Why can’t I be one of them?
In days like today, I simply cannot breathe easily, walk calmly, or for that matter enjoy my blessings without feeling a burning whole eating me from the inside out. I want to scream what I have been dragging inside, I want to say STOP! And like a little child simply cry and cry until there are no more tears, to then receive that loving hug of a mother and the reassurance that everything will be all right.
I had decided to be a wife and a mother until death do us apart, but my family has been touched by an agonizing and deteriorating situation that has robbed us from that.
Thanks to my loving God I have three beautiful, healthy and active children, but I have lost the husband I vowed to love, not to death, but nonetheless lost him to something stronger than I.
How do I explain to my children that Dad still loves them? It is hard when they wait and wait and he doesn’t come back. How do I fill the gap left by his absence? I am just one person already weary and tired. How do I keep up without feeling the world collapsing at my feet? How do I gather energies to love and care for them appropriately when I feel I am running in low?
I wish I could control my pain, turn it off and put it away as I do with loud electronics. I wish my kids did not have to see the sadness in my eyes or the emotional exhaustion that sometimes eats my soul.
Today, I am just feeling my feelings and voicing them the best way I can. Through my silent words loudly up into the sky. I have to speak up without shame or remorse. I have to LET GO AND LET GOD control my future and fill my heart with his love. I know He will carry me through this in spite of my doubts and I must believe He will overflow my children’s heart with the joy only He can give. For now, I will slow down and quiet my soul to gather strengths from the right source and continue to be the mother my kids need me to be.
Posted by Chic Mommy USA at 4:54 PM 4 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Summer Camp or Not?
Lately for many Americans, budget restrictions have come into effect. As resourceful moms we have had to make important calls as far of our spending. Many of us have cut on eating out, movie going, and other sorts of entertainment.
In my case, it has been tough lately, lots of changes in my life that had force me to minimize and simplify in many ways. All for good I think, but there are still those Special Requests made by our children that simply leave us with a hard choice to make.
Summer has come, School is out but in my case, there is still the crave for something fun to do. My 5 year old son asked me to send him to Summer Camp. He is so active, creative and energetic that I could not bare the thought of keeping him away from his little dream.
There were a few choices: Camp at the Pinecrest Gardens, Church Camp, Nature Camp, or Karate Camp. All of them vary in prices but after all was said and done, we both had to make a decision.
The question! How to choose the right option for you and your child? Here is were the budget issue clashes with your kids' desires. Personally, I had to sit and first realize How Much Money could I spend before being able to open the discussion. I cut here and there and came up with an amount. Then sat down with my son and we review our options. He thought about it for a while because he could not make his mind, and finally chose Nature Camp.
It was going to be immediately after his school ended but due our schedules, it had to be as soon as possible. We came to an agreement and stuck to it. The time and money sacrificed in this, WAS WAAAAY WORTH IT!
He attended last week the Magical Heart Summer Day Camp. It is located here in Florida, in a beautiful farm area called "The Redlands" (Homestead, Florida). My friend DeAnna Carlile runs it out of her beautiful 5 acre Estate and it could have not been any better. She is a wonderful person filled with so much knowledge. The best part is that she has been homeschooling her kids for the longest time with amazing results. We know for sure that the Camp experience would be backed up by years of practice and experience on all kinds of educational matters.
My son was able to explore Nature at his maximum. He learned about how to care for it and most importantly how to live in harmony with it. He also, learned to use his hands and mind to express while dancing, crafting, painting, and doing yoga. He even learned how to cope with the sudden death of our host's beloved pet. He had so much fun, that the excitement did not fit his tiny body. Every day was an adventure that was accompanied but beautiful friendships and wisdom way beyond his short life.
My Point in this Story: Times are rough financially for many of us, but if you prepare, budget, and choose wisely, we can still give our children Great Options to learn, enjoy and grow wisely. It does not have to be something big, but we can help our kids achieve at least one of their dreams this summer by working together!
If you are in the South Florida area, you can contact Magical Heart Summer Camp for more information at: deanna@magicalheartyoga.com, otherwise search in your neighborhood websites or Community Papers, I'm sure will find what you are looking for this Summer.
Blessings to all and great Warm wishes!
Posted by Chic Mommy USA at 10:45 AM 4 comments
Labels: education and finances, financial decisions, homeschool, homeschool camp, nature camp, south florida nature camps, summer camp, summer entertainment ideas, yoga camp